1. Lynn was one of the nicest people I have ever met. She was a real model for the students at Louisville. Lynn was an original

  2. Lynn was one of the kindest, nicest teachers I have ever met. I never even had one of her phenomenal classes but she would STILL say hello to me and ask about me with genuine interest every time I saw her, every time. She always appeared to be really happy and enjoy her job and just being there with the students. She left such an impression on me, a mark of kindness on my heart and for that I am so grateful!

    Thank you for writing about your lives teaching, creating and taking risks together. I loved reading about it. What beautiful lives full of love and purpose. We are so lucky to know you all!

    There is a quote by Fr. Gregory Boyl of Homeboy Industries: “They didn’t just love you, it was their JOY to love you.” This makes me think so much of Lynn.

  3. So many great memories of time spent at St. Francis de Sales and Louisville…between festivals and the endless “hours” of fun making friends along the way…
    Thank you Lynn…

  4. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady!
    Lynn was the epitome of love and all good things. Discussing Nantucket and the East Coast with her always brightened my day. Thank you, Lynn.
    May you Rest In Peace.

  5. Dear Bob and Bri,
    We are so sorry to hear of Lynn’s passing. We remember Lynn as a kind gentle soul who had a beautiful smile. Lynn, you and Bri have always been so supportive of our St. Francis de Sales Family. You and Lynn were instrumental in the success of our festival entertainment. We hope to see you and Bri at many future festivals where we can share the love again. God Bless. Love, Bill, Marie, Billy & Jamey

  6. Mrs. Gillen’s joy and happiness will always remain with me. Her wisdom, grace, and amazingness lives on with all those who had the honor to know her. Thank you Brianne for sharing your mom with all of us!

  7. Mrs. Gillen was one of the most upbeat, fun loving personalities at Louisville. I remember filming various things with her in the media room. She was just such a nice person. She would always go out of her way to say hi and ask how you were doing. Brianne I think you have one of the coolest moms ever! She was just wonderful.
    Mr. Gillen and Brianna, I cannot tell you how sorry I am for your loss.

  8. Dear Gillen family,

    Though you may not remember me, all of you are forever in my heart. I’ll never forget the quips and exchanges we used to share as I would run from thing to thing at Louisville. I always wished I could have taken Mr. and Mrs. Gillen’s classes, but I’m so grateful for all the memories we managed regardless. I have a photo of the four of us—Bri, Lynn, and Bob—from some ceremony or other. I would love to share a copy with you if there’s a way to do that (feel free to reach out to my email).

    Mrs. Gillen, I’ll always remember you so fondly. “Thanks for showing up.”

    With love,

    Olivia Haas
    LvHS ’07

  9. Bob and Bri-
    What a treasured life you two shared with an extraordinary soul. Lynn lead a life of love and helping others. What an honor to know her. Much love to you

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